On Track [9]
Have you ever felt too overwhelmed with everything that the only thing you want to do is pause ? While I wait and contemplate things on a railway, airport terminals, bus stops and streetlights, sometimes I imagine a scenario about pausing the clocks ticking, stop the sun from rising and setting and freeze each people passing. I just take delight at the mere thought of it. Catching up with the world and being ahead of the plan. Each.Passing.Second. What a concept. Ever since I had the glimpse of adult life, I think I’m still stuck with the same loop. But then, I saw this random tweet from @LakenRiley1 : “God is not in a hurry. You are. It’s why you are tired. It’s why you are anxious, and stressed, and disappointed. Trust that what was meant to be yours, will be yours.” https://www.pexels.com/@stasknop Too much for the drama. Here's to more music suggestion :) Here’s my list. Thanks to the people who helped me find these. Search fo...